Etiquette isn't a strict code of rules, it's how our lives affect each other. Whenever two or more are gathered, there's etiquette; certain expectations of how one should behave socially in order to show respect & consideration. It’s how we connect.

And we aren't born knowing etiquette, so it’s up to us to teach ourselves (if we didn't learn as a child) & parents to teach their children. 

When we allow these expectations to become a part of us, it changes the way we gather. And gathering at the table is a crucial part of our everyday lives, for the rest of our lives.

Etiquette is also an important part of our ability to build relationships and bond, both at home with our parents & children, and away from home. 

Join us as we navigate family dining and learn how to gather at the table in a way that’ll leave a legacy of refined, considerate, & confident habits that will leave a lasting impression and traditions for a lifetime.

About The Table

"Truly a great course!"

Our kids loved taking Anna’s etiquette course! Manners and setting a table properly is something that our culture is sadly losing.

Love how Anna & River included some history and fun stories along with videos of her kids at the table. Also really appreciate the meal ideas and other print outs included. 

The Wood Ohana

We loved it! It was just right. A nice balance of history and practical knowledge. I loved the comedy spread throughout as well.

I’m definitely going to print out some of the cheat sheets and resources so that we don’t forget what we learned.

I was very surprised how much my kids remembered while taking the quizzes. Those were very helpful! Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

The Pahl's

I absolutely loved this dining etiquette course. I mean, Jane Austen fan here so... but my kids actually loved it too.

They even put together a special birthday dinner for their mimi after learning the correct way to set a table, where to put place cards, proper way to eat soup 😉, and more.

Home education definitely has its challenges but goodness, these moments will be burned into my memory forever.

How to Set a Table

From basic to formal.

The "Magic" of Family Mealtime

Discover why family dinners are magic.

Solutions for Mealtime Dilemmas

Troubleshooting Bad Manners & Getting Kids to Eat.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 Table Setting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 Etiquette & Manners
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 Other Essential Manners
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wrapping it up
Available in days
days after you enroll


We live on the north shore of Oahu and are course creating mama and son.

I'm Anna. In 2003 I began my parenting journey and it didn't begin well nor in ideal circumstances.

Over the years, God got a hold of my heart and opened my eyes to intentional parenting. Through lots of challenges, mistakes and lessons learned, a passion and purpose arose.

Mamas kept asking me about homeschool, organization, discipline tips, and much more.

So I began blogging at to share the secrets, tools, and strategies that changed our lives and made parenting less chaotic and more peaceful and meaningful. This evolved into Mama Snacks, the 3-minute weekly newsletter.

My passion and purpose transformed into showing other mamas that intentional parenting is choosing between what you want now and what you most. And most of all, I wanted to leave a legacy of intentional living for my children.

The Table is a part of my Legacy Living Signature Course and Membership Community soon to be launching by the new year.

And I'm River, a 16-year-old homeschooling entrepreneur who is in the process of creating a mini-course to inspire personal development and intentional living for teens at